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Thalamos CQC

The Thalamos CQC portal supports Second Opinion Appointed Doctors in completing their Mental Health Act Assessments in a simple and efficient way.

Second Opinion Appointed Doctors provide a vital safeguarding role in preserving the rights of patients receiving care and treatment in hospital under the Mental Health Act.

SOAD assessments must be conducted in certain circumstances to ensure the treatment being recommended is legally defensible and the views and rights of the patient have been considered.

The independent nature of SOADs has historically created a series of administrative challenges, particularly around data management and data sharing. SOADs are independent and responsible for their own data security and governance. The data SOADs store is sensitive in nature.

As they are independent and work between all hospitals and the CQC, they do not all share a dedicated record system like a hospital.

Headline benefits




In creating the eMHA SOAD prototype, the Care Quality Commission were leading the way in the emerging field of Mental Health Act digitisation. Having completed the prototype, the onset of Covid-19 overtook the objectives of the pilot and the prototype was rapidly mobilised partly in response to emergency powers and the desire to maintain the SOAD service through the pandemic. 

The pilot of Thalamos’ prototype through Covid demonstrated that: 

  • It was possible to utilise electronic signatures with the Mental Health Act 
  • SOADs were willing to engage with a digital solution and were able to complete the documents successfully. 
  • It was possible to securely communicate MHA Documentation to all Mental Health Providers without them needing a log-in/training 

Based on the success of the pilot, a decision was taken to expand the software to provide a full service offering to both SOADs and the SOAD Operations Team. 




Thalamos V1 FunctionalityDescription & Benefits
Cloud Hosted Web Application designed for SOADsHosting in the cloud supports improved IG compliance, allowing SOADs to securely engage with documentation on their personal devices.

Cloud hosting also facilitated the simpler secure sharing of MHA documents with provider organisations, removing the reliance on secure email providers which were challenging to access.
Individual Accounts for SOADsIndividual log-ins provided secure access for SOADs to manage their own MHA Documentations, reducing the administrative burden on SOADs and the reliance on the postal service.  
MHA Statutory FormsProvision for the most frequently used Mental Health Act Statutory Forms. T2,T3,T6, CTO11 
Non-Statutory FormsThe SOAD Report Form (SRF) and “no-certificate” form were included to improve data recording and reduce duplication of data entry for the SOADs.
SOAD Operations PortalA portal was provided for the SOAD Operations Team such that they are able to access and receive MHA Documentation digitally. This helped to reduce the time required to process SOAD certificates. 
Guest User Access Temporary secure access was provided to all Mental Health providers who were required to receive SOAD MHA Documentation.

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