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OneLondon partnership brings eMHA to the capital

08 April 2024

Picture of London skyline across the River Thames

Thalamos is pleased to announce that it has been selected to provide our electronic Mental Health Assessment (eMHA) product to six major London mental health trusts. This partnership will help enhance mental health services in the capital, providing safer, faster, and more joined-up care for people detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA).

The partnership includes six mental health trusts in London: East London NHS Foundation Trust, North East London NHS Foundation Trust, the North London Mental Health Partnership, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. These institutions collectively serve a diverse population, ensuring the impact our eMHA product has will be far-reaching.

The Thalamos eMHA product is designed to streamline and improve the process of mental health assessments. By digitising these essential processes, eMHA reduces administrative burdens on healthcare professionals, increases the accuracy and accessibility of patient records and, ultimately, supports better patient outcomes. The product integrates various features such as electronic forms, digital signatures, and secure data storage, all compliant with NHS standards and regulations.

Eliminating paper-based errors

The implementation of eMHA will transform how mental health assessments are conducted across these trusts. Traditionally, mental health assessments have relied on paper-based processes, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. The transition to a digital system addresses these issues by offering a more efficient, reliable, and user-friendly system.

This programme is delivered in partnership with OneLondon, an organisation dedicated to improving health and care through better use of data. OneLondon’s expertise in data integration and interoperability will ensure that eMHA seamlessly fits into the existing digital infrastructure of the NHS trusts.

Bringing eMHA to London

Thalamos CEO Arden Tomison said: “At Thalamos, our focus has always been to make access to, and receipt of mental healthcare, swifter, simpler and safer. The team is hugely excited about the opportunity to work with stakeholders across London. Our software is already making a positive difference for patients in different parts of the country and we look forward to seeing these benefits delivered across the capital.”

Dr Paul Gilluley, CMO at North East London ICB and OneLondon eMHA programme SRO, said: “It is great news that we are replacing the outdated paper-based process used for the assessment and treatment of Londoners detained under the Mental Health Act. The new digital tool will support safer, faster and more joined up care for patients in the capital. It will also save our hard-working health and care professionals’ valuable time. I have no doubt that this important programme that will make a positive difference on mental health care across the capital.”

Luke Readman, Director of Digital Transformation at NHS England (London), added: “It is fantastic that backed with NHS England funding this important new programme will be delivered through the OneLondon partnership. The London Care Record and Universal Care Plan are great examples of the positive impact we can make by working together across the Capital. I am confident the OneLondon eMHA programme will be just as successful in supporting safer, faster and more joined up care for Londoners.”

Delivering on the OneLondon mission

The introduction of eMHA across these six trusts is expected to deliver several key benefits. It will enhance the efficiency of mental health assessments, enabling faster and more accurate documentation. It will improve data security and patient confidentiality through robust encryption and secure storage solutions. Lastly, it will facilitate better coordination and information sharing among healthcare professionals, leading to more integrated and comprehensive care for patients. Health and care staff will be able to see relevant MHA documents via the London Care Record, regardless of which trust created them, supporting more joined up care.

For more detailed information about the OneLondon eMHA initiative, please visit the OneLondon eMHA page.