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Generate an estimated price for one year of Thalamos using the form below.

How was your estimate generated?

We’ve used data from 2023 to generate your costs. If you’d like to request what data, or update the data that we’re using, please contact us.

We believe that there should be no distinction or disparity between emergency physical and mental health care as exists currently.

How we're helping

That was the most straightforward system I’ve navigated in a very long time. Many thanks for making it so intuitive and user friendly.
Thalamos saves a lot of time for nurses on the ward. It easily saves 15 to 30 minutes each time they have to read through section papers...This enables the ward staff to spend more time with patients and young people.
Thalamos is the best thing since sliced bread.
Consultant / Second Opinion Appointed Doctor

Quality Care Commission

Ward Manager

Ancora House, Chester, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Approved Mental Health Professional

Cheshire East Council

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